Music Theater
Desi + Utz: Die Verwechslung
Thomas Desi: Die Verwechslung
(2019 UA) - 90'
Libretto: Helga Utz
- œnm . œsterreichisches ensemble fuer neue musik
- Johannes Czernin: Darsteller
- Marelize Gerber: Darstellerin
- Ingrid Haselberger: Darstellerin
- Gebhard Heegmann: Darsteller
- Kari Rakkola: Darsteller
- Günther Strahlegger: Darsteller
- Bärbel Strehlau: Darstellerin
- Katrin Delyse Targo: Darstellerin
- Benjamin McQuade: Korrepetition
- Angela Karpouzi: Kostüm
- Sarah Maria Grepl: Kostüm
- Edgar Aichinger: Technik
- Vladi Tchapanov: Technik
- Markus Liszt: Bühne
- Michael Liszt: Bühne
- Cornelius Burkert: Bühnenplanung
- Heidelinde Schuster: Regieassistenz
- Roberta Cortese: Dramaturgie
- Kristine Tornquist: Regie
- Jury Everhartz: Produktionsleitung
- François-Pierre Descamps: Dirigent
Young Gustav longs for freedom, he criticises the system of the German Democratic Republic. He is arrested as a system enemy. While his father is helpless and desperate, his confused grandmother goes to visit Gustav in prison. Her visit seems suspicious to the officers. Gustav is mistreated, he is transferred to the prison’s hospital ward with severe injuries and meets the sweet, kind nurse Pauline.
“I became aware that in the social collective, a generation’s communications about emotions, moods and atmospheres are conserved in music, which is an immense cultural-historic reservoir for that which language and speech cannot express.” (Thomas Desi)
Sirene Operntheater, born in 1998 from the collaboration between Kristine Tornquist and Jury Everhartz as a platform for new music theatre, presents a large-scale chamber opera festival in seven rounds during autumn of 2020, under the title Die Verbesserung der Welt (The Improvement of the World). From the 1st of September to the 13th November 2020, the former coffin and packaging factory F23.wir.fabriken in Atzgersdorf, Vienna becomes the stage for seven opera premieres, a series of exhibitions, a series of conversations in cooperation with the Akademie für Gemeinwohl (Academy for the Common Good) and a programme book. The programme includes new commissioned works of sirene Operntheater by Thomas Arzt, Thomas Desi, Irene Diwiak, Margareta Ferek-Petric, Antonio Fian, Martin Horváth, Dieter Kaufmann, Matthias Kranebitter, Dora Lux, Julia Purgina, Kristine Tornquist, Helga Utz, Alexander Wagendristel and Gerhard E. Winkler. Details and previous press reviews and reading can be found online at www.sirene.at.
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Im Rahmen von »Die Verbesserung der Welt«
Produktion sirene Operntheater
Kooperation Wien Modern
Im Rahmen von »Die Verbesserung der Welt«
Produktion sirene Operntheater
Kooperation Wien Modern