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Michael Hersch

Werke & Mitwirkungen

  • Michael Hersch: sew me into a shroud of leaves

    sew me into a shroud of leaves(2001–2016 UA)- 660' (KomponistIn)sew me into a shroud of leaves. Part I: The Vanishing Pavilions(2001–2005)- 180' (KomponistIn)sew me into a shroud of leaves. Part II: Last Autumn(2006–2008)- 120' (KomponistIn)sew me into a shroud of leaves. Part III: one day may become menace(2009–2016)- 360' (KomponistIn)
    11/09/2019 05:00, Prunksaal der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek