Videostills Carretero
- Alberto Carretero: Renacer (Libretto: Francisco Deco) (Video, basierend auf Bildern von Juan Lacomba: Miguel Alonso, Cyan Animática) (2022 UA) - 65'
- Johanna Vargas: Sopran
- Alfred Reiter: Klangregie
- Nacho de Paz: Dirigent
The radical thing about that video opera is that it makes the roots clearly audible: the composer Alberto Carretero, born in Seville in 1985, often draws inspiration and blueprints for his music from biology. With the help of artificial intelligence and membrane computing, he develops algorithmic compositions that simulate the growth and behaviour of living organisms and then translate them into sonic narratives. His new video opera is based on cellular processes. Mutation, mitosis, meiosis, tissue formation, reproduction and nerve connections open up a process of musical reflection and become a metaphor for genesis: birth, rebirth, the power of germination and regeneration and thus creation itself. And something on the side: to show the portrait-format video by Miguel Alonso / Cyan Animática based on paintings by Juan Lacomba, the Odeon will become the "highest" cinema in the city for one night only.
Produktion PHACE mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Spanischen Botschaft in Wien
Koproduktion Wien Modern und Espacio Turina Sevilla
Finanziert und ermöglicht durch das Leonardo-Stipendium für Forscher und Kulturschaffende 2021 der BBVA-Stiftung