- Passepartout: Circo Pobre (2021) - 25'
- Susanne Schuda: The Sensitive, Therapeutin des kollektiven Unbewusstseins, spricht über Ambivalenz, Dilemma und Paradox (2022 UA) - 25'
- Matthias Kranebitter: Sweet Muzic (Assoziative Musik III) (2022) - 25'
- Passepartout: Duo
- Nicoletta Favari: Chromaplane
- Christopher Salvito: Chromaplane
- Susanne Schuda: Performance
- Anna Mendelssohn: Dramaturgische Beratung
- Matthias Kranebitter: Elektronik solo
- meshes to meshes ( a.k.a Lisa Kortschak): DJ
Circo Pobre is an expression for situations in which one person has to slip into many different roles in order to make a show happen. The duo Passepartout learned the term on tour in Chile and immediately found it very apt to describe their own way of working – from the construction of the instruments to the presentation, Nicoletta Favari and Christopher Salvito are independent and self-reliant in cases of doubt. In the following performance, Schudini The Sensitive talks about her work as a therapist for the collective unconscious. She advocates for the perception of ambivalence, dilemma and paradox, without running into the big black-and-white wall. Matthias Kranebitter uses at least 50 different sweeteners in his solo for multi-channel electronics Sweet Muzic. The final piece of the Blöder Dritter Mittwoch („stupid third wednesday“), which is representative of radical mixtures in art, will come from the transmedial artist Lisa Kortschak / meshes to meshes.
Kuratiert von Anat Stainberg und Arnold Haberl a.k.a. noid
Produktion Verein für Kunstvermischung mit Unterstützung von Stadt Wien Kultur und BMKÖS
Koproduktion mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst und Wien Modern / ELAK – Lehrgang für experimentelle Musik
Im Rahmen der ELAK concert series