SWR Vokalensemble
- Martin Smolka: Sicut nix. Drei Gesänge für Chor nach Textausschnitten von H. D. Thoreau und den Psalmen (Text: Henry David Thoreau) (2019–2020 EA) - 22'
- Alberto Posadas: Ubi sunt für 24 Stimmen a cappella in zwei Chören (2022 UA) - 25'
- Georges Aperghis: Future memories (2019 UA) - 10'
- SWR Vokalensemble: Chorensemble
- Marcus Creed: Leitung
The SWR Vocal Ensemble a cappella brings a prominent evening of premieres to the Mozart Hall. Martin Smolka invites us on a winter walk with Henry David Thoreau. Alberto Posadas asks how we look back on people from earlier times. And Georges Aperghis goes the other way with the question of how future generations will look at us; with humour and verve, he looks for alternatives to forgetfulness and pessimism.
Produktion Wien Modern und SWR