Peter Jakober
Peter Jakober: Seitenraum für 18 Streicher:innen in drei verbundenen Räumen
(2020 UA) - 50'
Kompositionsauftrag Wien Modern, gefördert von Stadt Wien Kultur
- Webern Ensemble Wien: Ensemble Einstudierung: Jaime Wolfson
Peter Jakober spent a long time looking for the perfect place for this idea with space and sound for a microtonal string orchestra. He found it at Palais Mollard in the Herrengasse. Now, its suite of connecting rooms will be filled with site-specific sound for the first time. “Distances, unisons and parallels of sound processes become a central moment of the composition. 18 string musicians are positioned in various ways across three rooms. All musicians play according to click tracks varying in speed. Their tempi are precisely composed, some of them slowly evolve (accelerandi or ritardandi) to form common tempi, some remain autonomous. The sonar realisation of these different tempi creates different atmospheres in the rooms [...]. Seitenraum becomes a musical piece that moves between a sound installation and a structured composition.” (Peter Jakober)
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Produktion Wien Modern, Institut für österreichische Musikdokumentation und mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien