René Clemencic: Kabbala – Und es war in der Mitte der Nacht. Oratorium in hebräischer Sprache nach Texten der prophetischen Kabbala
(1992) - 70'
- Bernhard Landauer: Countertenor
- Nicholas Spanos: Countertenor
- Gernot Heinrich: Tenor
- Richard Klein: Tenor
- Colin Mason: Bassbariton
- Gerald Grün: Trompete
- Werner Hackl: Posaune
- Peter Kautzky: Posaune
- Christian Troyer: Posaune
- Robin Prischink: Schlagwerk
- Adina Radu: Schlagwerk
- Michael Feuchtinger: Astronomie, Programmierung
- Konstantin Kirner: Astronomie, Programmierung
- Germano Milite: Videoprogrammierung
- Kristine Tornquist: Konzept, Dramaturgie
- Jury Everhartz: Produktionsleitung
- François-Pierre Descamps: Dirigent
- Hannes Richter: Astronomie, Programmierung
The Kabbalah – which stands for "tradition" in Jewish mysticism – is about nothing less than the big picture: the cosmos, the spirit that works through everything, its greatness and its origin. The ten chapters from the prophetic Kabbalah were set to music in this unusually arranged oratorio by the composer, musician and early music expert René Clemencic (1928-2022). This production of the sirene opera theatre at the Zeiss Planetarium is also interpreted with the help of astronomy and astrophysics: it is steps of knowledge on the stairway to heaven between unity, complex order and entropy.
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Produktion sirene Operntheater und Planetarium Wien / VHS Wien
Kooperation Wien Modern
Besondern Dank an Edda Clemencic und Jan Kolar