Katharina Rosenberger
- Nadir Vassena: luce migrante. quasi un madrigale auf ein Gedicht von Fabio Pusterla (2021 UA) - 21'
Klaus Lang: cantica christinae. III – a summer wish
(2020 UA) - 12'
Kompositionsauftrag Wien Modern - Katharina Rosenberger: The future is a broken record (Text: Katharina Rosenberger, Patrick Klingenschmitt, Rozalie Hirs) (2021 UA) - 16'
- Johanna Vargas: Sopran
- Marcus Weiss: Saxophon
- Uli Fussenegger: Kontrabass
The music of the interdisciplinary composer Katharina Rosenberger, who lives in Zurich and Lübeck, is about more than notes. The Future is a Broken Record is set in a present that spins in destructive endless grooves, between pessimism, optimism and activism. With a slow melody, Klaus Lang responds to a dialogue of the Victorian poet Christina Rossetti with nature. Wandering light emanates from a poem by Fabio Pusterla to music by Nadir Vassena. An extraordinary trio presents three special world premieres in the Mozart Hall.
Produktion Wien Modern
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Schweizer Kulturstiftung Pro Helvetia