20 Pipers
- Terry Riley: In C (1964) - 53'
- Erwan Keravec: Künstlerische Leitung
- Gaël Chauvin: Dudelsack
- Kevin Colas: Dudelsack
- Ewen Couriaut: Dudelsack
- Ylan Couriaut: Dudelsack
- Céline Cozien: Dudelsack
- Mickaël Cozien: Dudelsack
- Nathalie Drant: Dudelsack
- Pierre Gateclou-Marest: Dudelsack
- Ernesto Gongora: Dudelsack
- Erwan Hamon: Dudelsack
- Stéphane Hardy: Dudelsack
- Gweltaz Hervé: Dudelsack
- Guénolé Keravec: Dudelsack
- Lionel Le Page: Dudelsack
- Vincent Marin: Dudelsack
- Enora Morice: Dudelsack
- Gwenaël Piel: Dudelsack
- François Robin: Dudelsack
- Pierre Thébault: Dudelsack
- Quentin Viannais: Dudelsack
- Yyves Godin: Licht, Bühne
- Tifenn Morvan: Kostüme
It is one of the earliest and most impressive works of minimal music: In C by Terry Riley, first performed to an audience of about one hundred by an ensemble including Steve Reich, Jon Gibson, Pauline Oliveros, Stuart Dempster and Morton Subotnick at the San Francisco Tape Music Center in 1964. Fifty-three short musical phrases are repeated in sequence at the discretion of each musician in the variable ensemble. In this way, a single sheet of music gives rise to a complex overall structure. Breton piper and ensemble leader Erwan Keravec is now tackling this almost sixty-year-old psychedelic classic with an unusual line-up: in a minimalist set-up, 20 bagpipes, bombards and binioù create a freely explorable space of sound. Being performed for the first time outside of France, this acclaimed production rounds off this year’s Wien Modern festival.
Eine Veranstaltung von Wien Modern
Produktion Offshore, unterstützt von DRAC Bretagne (Französisches Kulturministerium) und Conseil régional de Bretagne
Koproduktion La Soufflerie Rezé, Le Théâtre de Lorient, La Passerelle Saint-Brieuc, Théâtre National de Bretagne Rennes, Athenor Saint-Nazaire, Le Théâtre de Cornouaille Quimper, Le Quartz Brest, La Maison de la Culture d’Amiens
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von DRAC Bretagne, Région Bretagne, Conseil départemental du Finistère, Adami, Spedidam, Centre national de la musique