Vermehrt Schönes [multiplying beauty]! This year, the Erste Bank Composition Prize will be awarded for the 35th time, and for the first time to a collective: under the duo name Nimikry, the two Viennese locals Alessandro Baticci and Rafał Zalech can be seen and heard as composers, as developers of electronically augmented musical instruments, and as soloists. Before that, Vladimir Pantchev's Trumpet Concerto will finally see its world premiere after 20 years, and Chaya Czernowin's Double Bass Concerto, co-commissioned by Wien Modern, will be performed on stage for the first time in Austria – with one visible double bass and four invisible ones. Along with the concert, you will have the opportunity to try out Nimikry's electronically augmented music instruments for yourself, to meet in person the quite legendary winemakers behind our special Wein Modern 2023, and, of course, there will be ample opportunity for exchange at the traditional reception by Erste Bank following the concert.
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Produktion Wien Modern
Unterstützt im Rahmen von Vermehrt Schönes! – Das Erste Bank Sponsoringprogramm