- Ausstellung von Musikinstrumenten und Klanginstallationen, die von Małe Instrumenty und Paweł Romańczuk gemeinsam mit blinden und sehbehinderten Menschen entwickelt wurden
The collaboration of blind and deaf people with musicians requires the development of special forms of communication for a creative exchange. Eight prototype instruments developed by a group of blind and visually impaired people together with the collective Małe Instrumenty will be exhibited in the gallery of the Polish Institute. These sound-making art objects – 'invisible instruments' – are accompanied in the exhibition by recordings of the performances and interviews with the authors and concept developers. In a curatorial tour at the opening, the composer and instrument developer Paweł Romańczuk talks about the challenges of building the instruments and the artistic inputs of this DIY project.
Produktion Polnisches Institut Wien
Kooperation Wien Modern