O! A Biography
- Mitwirkende der Produktion O! A Biography im Gespräch mit Stefan Hulfeld (Universität Wien, Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft)
- Stefan Hulfeld: Gespräch
As an open invitation, O! A Biography begins with the early beginnings of a dance biography and embarks on a search for the possibilities of the fantastic and the transformative that lie within it. Together with the Black Page Orchestra, a dancer and a countertenor as well as an ensemble of young dancers, Eva-Maria Schaller dives deep into moments of personal memories and experiences on stage and backstage, to provoke a process of emancipation and actualisation that is personal as well as collective.
The performance on 16 November will be interpreted into sign language (ÖGS), for ideal seating please register early at trauter@tqw.at.
More events
Produktion choreographic signatures, Wien Modern, Tanzquartier Wien
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Stadt Wien Kultur, BMKÖS und SKE der Austro Mechana
Der Talk wird in Österreichischer Gebärdensprache (ÖGS) gedolmetscht.