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Concert, Installation, Performance




  • Cod.Act: Duo
  • André Décosterd: Installation, Musik, Performance
  • Michel Décosterd: Installation, Musik, Performance

At the Vienna premiere of the brilliant brothers Michel & André Décosterd, Wien Modern is presenting three of their idiosyncratic sound objects. The moving marvels from the Swiss Jura are as precise as the clocks produced there, but they have a far greater stage presence. The trained organ builder and musician André Décosterd and the architect, artist and photographer Michel Décosterd have been bulding contraptions together since 1997, under the name Cod.Act. Their machines and objects translate spaces and movements into sound, developing a surprising, quasi-organic life of their own. They have received numerous awards for their work, including the Golden Nica at Ars Electronica Linz, three main prizes at the Japan Media Arts Festival and the Swiss Grand Prix for Music in 2019.

Cycloïd-E puts visible waveforms and pendulum movements into relation with the creation of sound waves. The installation performance πTon, which is so fragile that opportunities to experience it are much too rare, combines the twists and turns of a long, loop-shaped rubber tube with the real-time synthesis of human vocal sounds. πTon/2, the single piece that can be seen at the MAK until the end of the festival, contracts and expands slowly, and thus produces sounds that resemble deep breaths. As soon as the movements become faster and stronger, the sounds inside also change, like a nervous current.

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  2. 10/31/2024 17:15, COD.ACT: πTON
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  3. 11/01/2024 17:15, COD.ACT: πTON
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  4. 11/03/2024 17:15, COD.ACT: πTON
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Produktion Wien Modern und MAK – Museum für Angewandte Kunst Wien
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Schweizer Botschaft in Wien und der Pro Helvetia Schweizer Kulturstiftung
πTon wurde realisiert mit freundlicher Unterstützung von État de Neuchâtel, Ville de la Chaux‐de‐Fonds, Commune de Valbroye, Fondation Ernst Göhner, Fondation Nicati – De Luze, Fondation culturelle de la Banque Cantonale Neuchâteloise, Migros Kulturprozent, Loterie Romande