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Matinée petite

Matinée petite


Young Listeners



  • Musik von Mauricio Kagel, Nikita Arnoldowitsch Koschkin, Bronisław Kazimierz Przybylski, Gerald Resch, George Self u.v.a.


In the renovated mumok, the exhibition Medardo Rosso. The Invention of Modern Sculpture (18.10.2024-23.02.2025), a concert with young musicians from the City of Vienna's music schools is being organised as part of the IGNM's  Initiative Junge Musik (Young Music Initiative). The programme is traditionally only announced shortly before the date, but one thing’s for sure: the Matinée petite always guarantees a lively concert experience for young and old.

Produktion IGNM / Junge Musik und Musikschulen der Stadt Wien
Kooperation Wien Modern und mumok - museum moderner Kunst stiftung ludwig wien