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Anna Wäger

Anna Wäger

Anna Wäger


Anna Wäger, MA (she/her) was born in Dornbirn in 1995. She studied photography and graphic design at the University of Art and Design Linz and at the Bezalel Academy in Jerusalem, as well as theatre, film and media studies at the University of Vienna. In the field of theatre, she has worked in production and set design for festivals and theaters such as the Wiener Festwochen, the Bregenz Festival, Volkstheater Wien and WERK X.
In film, she has worked as a set designer, prop master and assistant director on projects including Corsage (2022, directed by Marie Kreutzer), Golden Shadow (2022, directed by Katrina Daschner), Land ohne Worte (2024, directed by Antoinette Zwirchmayr) and Die unsichtbare Grenze (2022, directed by Mark Gerstorfer), which won the student academy award gold.
In 2023, she completed an administrative internship at the Austrian Cultural Forum in Cairo.
Anna Wäger focuses on questions of diversity in the cultural sector and has also published in the ZfM Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft.