Matthias Kranebitter
Erste Bank Kompositionspreis: Matthias Kranebitter
- Johannes Kalitzke: Werckmeister Harmonies
- Matthias Kranebitter: Encyclopedia of pitch and deviation
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- Friedrich Cerha: Mikrogramme WV 206 für Ensemble (Neufassung 2019)
- Joanna Bailie: Symphony-Street-Souvenir
- Klangforum Wien
- Johannes Kalitzke: Dirigent
From the resonance pitch of the earth’s surface (7.8 Hz), to a washing machine’s tumbling phase (42 Hz), to a house fly’s wing beat (200 Hz), to the common European concert pitch (443 Hz), and the nasty dentist’s drill (3 500 Hz), to a mosquito alarm (17 000–20 000 Hz) – this year’s award winner Matthias Kranebitter has developed, in accordance with the festival’s theme, his new Encyclopaedia of pitch and deviation. Even if we sadly have to skip the traditional reception for the award ceremony this year – we are being generous with the premieres, still. Klangforum Wien is giving the first performance of Friedrich Cerha’s long-awaited Mikrogramme. Johannes Kalitzke is personally conducting the premiere of his eventful film score without a film, based on Werckmeister Harmonies, Béla Tarr’s dark parable for a humanity that wasn’t made for harmony after all.
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Produktion Wien Modern
Unterstützt im Rahmen des MehrWERT Sponsoringprogrammes der Erste Bank
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