Peter Jakober
Peter Jakober: Saitenraum II für Streichorchester in drei verbundenen Räumen
(2022–2023 UA) - 50'
Kompositionsauftrag Wien Modern, gefördert von der Stadt Wien Kultur und BMKÖS
- Wiener Symphoniker: Orchester Einstudierung: Jaime Wolfson
- Winfried Ritsch: Technik Zeitkoordination Atelier Algorythmics
Owing to the great success in 2022, Peter Jakober has decided to completely rewrite Seitenraum (Side Space), his piece for eighteen strings in three connected spaces commissioned by Wien Modern – this time as a veritable Saitenraum II (String Space) for 26 violins, 10 violas, 14 cellos and 10 contrabasses. The 45-minute première opens the 36th edition of the Wien Modern festival – and in this case the word opening is meant quite literally: with the Vienna Symphony spread out across the three historic halls of the Vienna Concert Hall, the doors flung wide open, the audience can move through the sound. The meticulously coordinated web of space made up of microtonal movements at different accelerations and decelerations is controlled by sixty individual click tracks precisely synced with the aid of hardware and software specially developed by Winfried Ritsch. The result is quite simply an uplifting experience of sound and space.
Produktion Wien Modern
Koproduktion Wiener Symphoniker