Nava Hemyari
- Michael Beil: Key Jack (2017) - 12'
- Alexander Schubert: Your Fox's a Dirty Gold (2011) - 12'
Christian Schröder: snails
(2023 UA) - 14'
Kompositionsauftrag Black Page Orchestra und Wien Modern - —
Nava Hemyari: Fata Morgana
(2023 UA) - 10'
Kompositionsauftrag Black Page Orchestra mit Unterstützung der Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung - François Sarhan: Log Book (2019–2023) - 30'
- Black Page Orchestra
- Christina Bauer: Klangregie
- Alfredo Ovalles: Keyboard
- Kaoko Amano: Sopran
Spread across the room in different setups for a change, the punk band among Vienna's new music ensembles invites you back to the Musikverein's underground. With new pieces by Nava Hemyari and Christian Schröder, with highly virtuosic special effects by Michael Beil and Alexander Schubert, and with a kind of loose notebook by François Sarhan. "In September 2019, I had the idea to develop a sound diary. It's not a diary in the sense of a private journal, there's nothing personal in it, it’s more like a logbook, like a captain uses to record the events of a day. The material consists of voices - my voice, voices around me, conversations, excerpts from radio broadcasts, stolen fragments of others' conversations, field recordings, jingles, but also personal compositions, found footage (commentaries on events, recordings of protests, etc.), weather reports, graphic notations, transcriptions of (well-known) songs, etc. Log Book is interested in the forgotten, the very small, the 'infraordinary' as coined by Georges Perec. And ultimately, through the use of all these micro-events, it is also a piece about the situation in which we Europeans find ourselves at the moment." (François Sarhan)
Produktion Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien und Black Page Orchestra
Kooperation Wien Modern