Phantom Voltage
- Christina Kubisch, Florian Kindlinger und Peter Kutin im Gespräch mit Bernhard Günther
- Christina Kubisch: Gespräch
- Florian Kindlinger: Gespräch
- Peter Kutin: Gespräch
- Bernhard Günther: Moderation
"The ghost of electricity howls through the bones of her face." (Bob Dylan, Visions of Johanna, 1964) Energy flows around our omnipresent power sources and electrical apparatus, there is an electromagnetic aura, which will be traced live in Phantom Voltage. That spirit of electric currents, which Bob Dylan sings about in this line of the song, plays first fiddle, in a way. This "electric spirit" is not exhibited in an exemplary way, rather it appears as a phantom in the Derridaian sense, in real time. By means of a dramaturgical order and a clear positioning in the timing of different strands of media in relation to each other, emerges an evening-length piece that does not show one central perspective and encourages the audience to change their location, their viewing and listening angles. The interplay of sound, image, light, color, space and instrument is specially adapted to the spatial and acoustic characteristics of the old cash hall. (Peter Kutin, Florian Kindlinger)
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Produktion Konnektom
Koproduktion Wien Modern
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Stadt Wien, BMKÖS und SKE der Austro Mechana
Kooperation Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab der Universität für angewandte Künste Wien