Orgel Modern: Panel selection announcement from Call for Scores

We are happy to announce that our Call for Scores for new organ compositions for Wien Modern 2020 received a very exciting response: Over 40 international submissions from well-known composers as well as new talent followed the call in January 2020.
After detailed consideration of the anonymised scores and extensive deliberation, the six expert panel members have made a selection: twelve very varied works by three female and eight male composers from Vienna, Klosterneuburg, Graz, Linz, Berlin, Madrid, Amsterdam and Novara are set to be premiered on the 7th November 2020 from 7 p.m. (((LINK))) as part of the festival. Works by Peter Ablinger, Alyssa Aska, Michele Del Prete, Karlheinz Essl, Nava Hemyari, Gerald Resch, Martin Ritter, Gijsbrecht Roijé, Alireza Shahabolmolkfard, Ana Szilágyi and Jorge Villoslada Durán will be performed by young organists from the three participating organ institutes. Which piece will be performed at which time in which church can be found soon in our online programme, along with the names of the performers.
Wöckherl organ of the Franziskanerkirche (St. Hieronymus), built by Franz Weckherl in 1642 (the oldest organ in Vienna). Pitch 457 Hz at 13° C, quarter-comma meantone temperament
Sieber organ of the Michaelerkirche, built by David Sieber in 1714, restored by Jürgen Ahrend 1986/1987, pitch 448 Hz at 17° C, modified Werckmeister II temperament (Ahrend)
Italian baroque organ of St. Ursula, built in Naples in 1780, pitch 442 Hz at 18° C, 1/6-comma meantone temperament Disposition: Principale 8’, Ottava 4’, Quintadecima 2’, Decimanona 1 1/3’, Vigesimaseconda 1’, Flauto in duodecima 2 2/3’, Voce umana 8’, Zampogna (on C), Ripieno train (Tiratutti)
Hradetzky organ of St. Ursula, built in 1968 by Gregor Hradetzky, pitch 442 Hz at 18° C, equal temperament
Panel: Univ. Prof. Carola Bauckholt, Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität, Linz | Bernhard Günther, Artistic Director Wien Modern | Univ.-Prof. Martin Haselböck, mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien | Priv.-Doz. Mag. Wolfgang Kogert, Universität Mozarteum Salzburg | Univ. Prof. Mag. art. Klaus Lang, KUG – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz | Univ. Prof. Roman Summereder, mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Produktion Wien Modern | Kooperation mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz, Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, Kunstuniversität Graz