- the klingt collective
- Martin Brandlmayr: Schlagzeug
- Angélica Castelló: Elektronik
- dieb13: Turntables
- Klaus Filip: ppooll
- Arnold Haberl (aka. noid): Violoncello
- Billy Roisz: Bass, Elektronik
- Martin Siewert: E-Gitarren, Electronics
- Oliver Stotz: E-Gitarren, Electronics
- Roy Carroll: Sound
- Joshua Bergamin: Wissenschaftlliche Mitarbeit Philosophie
- Caroline Gatt: Wissenschaftlliche Mitarbeit
- Christopher A. Williams: Künstlerische Leitung, Kontrabass
Improvisation is everywhere – in cooking, in sports and in politics. The (Musical) Ethics Lab, a three-year research project with laboratories in Graz, Vienna, Trondheim and Berlin, is investigating the values and attitudes associated with improvisation. They do this by looking at an area of society that has a particular connection to improvisation – music. The improvisation experts of the klingt collective, an illustrious all-star ensemble of the experimental Viennese music scene around dieb13 a. k. a. Dieter Kovačič, are working with the composer, double bassist and researcher Christopher A. Williams, the anthropologist Caroline Gatt and the philosopher Joshua Bergamin. Together, they are investigating ethics in the practice of joint improvisation. The collective invites you to the Odeon on two evenings of different concert programmes and various discussion rounds.
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Kuratiert von Christopher A. Williams
Produktion Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz
mit Unterstützung des FWF
Koproduktion Wien Modern