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Electrical parasites infect an imaginary maze

Giuseppe Franza (2024)

One of the key points around which the writing of Electrical parasites infect an imaginary maze revolves is the fascination with sounds from the world of electricity and, particularly, from the world of electrical disturbances (buzzes, glitches, flickers, voltage dips). We all have to deal with these phenomena in our daily lives, and in this work they are given a voice of their own as they are imagined in the desire to communicate with the listener. In this scenario, some sounds take on the role of parasites (mostly granular, rough, distorted): they proliferate, organise themselves and combine with the surrounding sounds as they infect the temporal structures in which they develop. The parasites distort and mutate the environment until they cause fragmentations and ruptures that, like a matryoshka, reveal new spaces in the pre-existing sound spaces. As the listener moves (sometimes unexpectedly) from one sonic world to another, he or she may experience continuous flashbacks and flash-forwards that combine to create a complex temporal labyrinth. Within this 'intermittent' temporality lie auditory objects and their transformations. Often the effect that certain sound objects have on the listener is not so much due to their energy or their difference from the surrounding matter, but rather how they return within the piece in terms of temporal proportions, position in time and transformation. Immersed in this sonic universe, the listener can focus his or her attention on different elements such as the inner life of textures, the accumulation of energy at critical points, the effects of certain events on the surrounding fabric, the feeling of surprise or emptiness caused by the entrance or exit of certain sounds. (Giuseppe Franza)
