Poppaea, Silke Gäng und Ah Young Hong
Music Theater
Michael Hersch: Poppaea. Oper in einem Akt
(2019 EA) - 105'
Libretto: Stephanie Fleischmann
- Jürg Henneberger: Leitung
- Markus Bothe: Regie
- Piertzovanis Toews Architekten: Architekten, Bühnenbild Heinrich Toews, Ioannis Piertzovanis
- Eva Butzkies: Kostüme
- Marius Kob: Figurenbau
- Eren Karakus: Figurenbau-Assistenz
- Bernhard Günther: Dramaturgie
- Thomi Kohler: Technische Leitung, Lichtregie
- Stephan Werner: Produktionsleitung
- Ah-Young Hong: Poppaea (Sopran)
- Steve Davislim: Nero (Tenor)
- Silke Gäng: Octavia (Mezzosopran)
- Svea Schildknecht: Handmaiden (Sopran)
- Vera Hiltbrunner: Handmaiden (Sopran)
- Franciska Näf: Handmaiden (Mezzosopran)
- Chor:
Svea Schildknecht, Vera Hiltbrunner, Anja Bittner, Tabea Bürki, Diana Chavarro,
Stephanie Hoffman (Sopran), Francisca Näf, Petra
Ehrismann, Marta Mieze (Mezzosopran) - Ensemble Phoenix Basel
- Christian Rombach: Musikalische Assistenz
- Kelly Lovelady: Musikalische Assistenz
- Magdalena Zehnder: Kostümassistenz
- Ada Günther: Regieassistenz
- Christian Pfütze: Figurenspiel-Coaching, Figurenbau-Assistenz
- Jacob Rhodebeck: Korrepetition
- Denis Linnik: Korrepetition
With breathtaking emotional power, Michael Hersch and Stephanie Fleischmann retell the story of Emperor Nero and his wife Poppaea: 2000 years ago, she was the most powerful woman in the world, she ruthlessly fought for her own goals, and lived to see the burning of Rome and the end of a world. This opera directed by Markus Bothe ventures on a red-hot journey to the dark side of Monteverdi's L'incoronazione di Poppea. The Basel-based architecture firm Piertzovanis Töws turns the stage design into a statement on taking responsibility for the consequences of one's own actions. "Poppaea is an opera about a woman whose desire is limitless; a woman who has to endure many things and make her way through a world in which women are systematically silenced. The violence that prevails in this world is extreme. It begs the question: how far have we come? How little have we progressed?" (Michael Hersch / Stephanie Fleischmann)

Ah Young Hong

Ah Young Hong

Ah Young Hong

Ah Young Hong

Ah Young Hong

Ah Young Hong, Silke Gäng

Ah Young Hong, Steve Davislim


Silke Gäng

Silke Gäng, Ah Young Hong

Silke Gäng_Ah Young Hong

Silke Gäng, Ah Young Hong

Silke Gäng, Ah Young Hong

Steve Davislim

Steve Davislim


Poppaea, Silke Gäng und Ah Young Hong

Poppaea, Ah Young Hong

Poppaea, Steve Davislim und Ah Young Hong


Poppaea, Steve Davislim

Poppaea, Ah Young Hong und Silke Gäng
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