In nomine PPP
Stefano Gervasoni: In nomine PPP. Cantata per Pier Paolo Pasolini (Text: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Biagio Marin) (Libretto: Roberto Calabretto, Laurent Feneyrou) (Video: Paolo Pachini)
(2022 EA) - 60'
Spezial: Paolo Pachini
Kompositionsauftrag von PHACE und Wien Modern, in Kooperation mit Fondazione I Teatri Reggio Emilia und Teatro Verdi Pordenone, gefördert von der Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung. Verlag: Casa Ricordi
- Company of Music: Vokalensemble Einstudierung: Jordi Casals i Ibáñez
- Nacho de Paz: Dirigent
The first of two major film project premieres with PHACE is In Nomine PPP, a Cantata per Pier Paolo Pasolini in music and film, composed on the occasion of his 100th birthday. It is a tribute to the work and life of the great Italian artist and intellectual as well as to his political and cultural role in Italian and European society in the 1960s and 1970s. Italian composer Stefano Gervasoni sets Pasolini's poetry and writings to music in a large cantata that also incorporates melancholy interludes by Josquin Desprez around lament, grief and loss, fusing them into a broader connective musical tissue. Echoing Pasolini's anthropological vision, the camera's eye in Paolo Pachini's video explores poetic images of man and nature, counterpointed by contemporary streams of media. The closely interwoven interactions between music and images create a unique atmosphere that fully immerses and penetrates the senses.
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Koproduktion von PHACE, Wien Modern, Fondazione I Teatri Reggio Emilia, Teatro Verdi Pordenone und Wiener Konzerthaus