Bernhard Rasinger, Ingrid Schmoliner
Ingrid Schmoliner/ Bernhard Rasinger
Zyklus für Orgel und Laserprojektionen
- Ingrid Schmoliner, Bernhard Rasinger: NUT (2024) - 50'
- Ingrid Schmoliner: Orgel
- Bernhard Rasinger: Laserprojektionen
- Christine Höchtl: Registrantin
The commissioned piece NUT is a cycle for organ and laser projections that was composed and designed specifically for the church of St Gertrud. Nut is the name of the goddess of heaven in Egyptian mythology and symbolised the canopy of heaven that protects the earth from the primordial flood that surrounds it. According to mythological belief, Nut's body stretched protectively over the earth. Her limbs, which were supposed to touch the ground, symbolised the four cardinal directions. The organ is visually expanded here: it is an organic creature that can evoke a psychoactive effect in humans in a very direct form. with its powerful, fragile tonal breath. In a way, it connects the mind and body with this kind of surrounding primordial flood.
The church is not heated, please plan appropriate clothing.
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